-Rohit Chandel

‘Utopia’ as defined in the Oxford dictionary, ‘is an imagined place or state of things where everything is perfect.’

What if we got everything we that ask for? What if there were no loss and all profits? What if all our wishes came true? What if all the countries became rich, prosperous and flourished with all sorts of goods and resources? Will there be a time when we could ask for literally ‘no more’?

Human beings are a social animal. They require food, water, shelter and various other basic resources to survive, though now a days, the number of requirements lists a stretch of necessities. Can there be a society where all of us surviving on this planet could get ‘all that we want’? That wouldn’t just result in the happiest society all around the world but also the most, rather the one with never ending resources. The Perfect World, one would call it. Seems such a beautiful place to be in, right?

Well the harsh truth is, no one can survive it. In Bible, the Garden of Eden was a Utopia provided to the first man and woman, where they could have anything they had in their sight but for a forbidden fruit which God himself ordered them not to consume. After getting lured by a snake to consume that fruit, they were banished from the Garden of Eden. The human desire that still exists in each one of us, couldn’t resist them in exploiting that abstinence.

An experiment known as, Behavioral Sink, was performed by ethologist John B. Calhoun
Human brain is quite complex to understand but it functions similar as that of a mouse’s.  This is the reason why most of the experiments (including this) are performed on mice than getting into the trap of human rights violation. In the experiment done by Calhoun, several mice were kept in a confined area where they were provided unlimited food, water and protection from all predators, diseases, etc., in short creating a mouse utopia for them. The result wasn’t as bright as the situation that was provided, the mice started dying from overpopulation and after some time, it eventually ended up in the extinction of that once 2200 large population society. Major reason being cited as ‘over-population’.

Humans had been provided with plentiful resources since the inception of its species 200,000 years ago, but what we do with it and how we go along with what this universe has provided us, has been the biggest question. A person gets a million-dollar lottery, yet he runs into debt, a country finds gold mines beneath it, yet it goes into trillions of dollars of debt, where does the human being go wrong if we are the most intelligent and deserve to be at the top of the food chain? The need to have ‘more’ has not only killed human’s chances of earning an imaginary utopia, but has also led them to the destruction of the very imperfect world they’re living in.

The same might not be the reason of the downfall of our race as was in the case of Calhoun’s experiment, but yes, if human beings were to be provided with a state of utopia, they’ll meet the same fate.


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